Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Rowen - Outdoors

The adorable Rowen.  She is my most expensive Barbie, at the moment.  I don't have any "collector" dolls yet-I am sure they'll be way more expensive!  Who knows if I ever well, because I do not like keeping them in their boxes, I want to play with them and take their picture.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Mathilda - Outdoors

Monday, April 22, 2024

Mila & The Pink Guitar

Mila modeling a new dress we got for the collection, it came with a really cute pink guitar.  I hope you'll enjoy!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Closet & Aila

I have named this Barbie, Aila.  She has a flaw on her face, where one of her eyes has paint missing.  I have replaced her with a new one, but have yet to photograph her.  I will probably repaint this young ladies face and change the hair around and rename her-or maybe chop her little head off and put another pretty face on her body.  We shall see…